Amsterdam Slalom – 4,5 y 6 septiembre

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  • #317880


    Nuestro amigo Flavio Badenes, a quien conocisteis en el Campeonato de España de Slalom, organiza de nuevo una prueba de slalom en Amsterdam los días 4, 5 y 6 de septiembre. La prueba es de categoría MAIN, la máxima salvo para campeonatos continentales o mundiales.

    Las inscripciones todavía no están abiertas pero lo estarán durante esta semana, y los detalles irán aparececiendo en el blog

    Os dejo abajo una primera descricpic?n (en inglés):

    «Friday September 4th starting at 10 AM:



    TS PRO Finals

    TS AM Finals

    Saturday September 5th starting at 10 AM:

    Sp AM QUAL


    Sp PRO Finals

    Sp AM Finals

    Sunday September 6th starting at 10 AM:



    HS PRO Finals

    HS AM Finals

    The Juniors and the Women qualify together with the AMS and will have a separated final.

    Juniors and Women don’t pay.

    AMS 40 Euros

    PROS 80 Euros

    So far I can guarantee 1000 Euros MINIMUM PRO purse, but this is going to go up. I am still waiting for two important decisions from other sponsors.

    Thank you City of Amsterdam.

    For the AMS the usual FULL BAGS.

    From the PRO fee 40 Euros go to the PRO purse.

    Three meals (yes you will get Mexican food 3 days in a row)

    T-Shirt also included.

    I will post more this weekend and you will be able to register from this week end on. The price will stay the same, it doesn’t matter if you pay here or before traveling to Amsterdam. HOWEVER paying in advance would really help us.

    The Dutch Crew will run every single stage of the contest. We DO NOT MAKE A CENT out of it. And now I do beg your pardon for what I am going to say now but:

    Considering the amount of crap I saw about in this » scenario » in the past few months I do ask myself why do I still do this.

    I can only have BECAUSE I LOVE SKATEBOARDING as an answer. I don’t need to make a living out of skateboarding in anyway.

    So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave your bad thoughts or bad whatever at home. Come to Holland to skate.

    Grab you board and join us in Amsterdam for a joint or two and lots of fun during these racing days.

    Everybody is welcome!



    mAd SuRfEr

    Bueno, bueno suena muy bien, haver mi rodilla.

    molaria mucho, un salud.

    Hi FiVe!!!



    Estar? de surfin’safari por Galicia. Seguro que allí se consigue buen flow

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